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Off Topic/Non-philatelic Disc. : COVID-19 Vaccine

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12 Jan 2021
Got my first COVID vaccination yesterday. So far, only have a sore arm.

The nurse who administered the shot recommended drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated. She said that folks who didn't drink much seemed to have worse side effects. Not sure if this is really the case, but staying hydrated is good advice for most people anyway.

Anyone else get the vaccine yet?
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12 Jan 2021
re: COVID-19 Vaccine

Late yesterday afternoon. Central Florida. Pfizer. Next dose in three wks.

Only "adverse" effect: Soreness near the injection point.

Very orderly process.

Very appreciative of the doctors, nurses and paramedics who are managing this gigantic and complex undertaking.

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12 Jan 2021
re: COVID-19 Vaccine

Can I stay hydrated with tequila? If so, I'll start right away!

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Collector, Moderator
13 Jan 2021
re: COVID-19 Vaccine

We are in the lowest priority group so it will be a while for us.

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"Stamp Collecting is a many splendored thing"
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13 Jan 2021
re: COVID-19 Vaccine

Yes, Jan 2nd.
Second one on Jan 23rd.
No side effects.

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Dialysis, damned if you do...dead if you don't
13 Jan 2021
re: COVID-19 Vaccine

I lost another dialysis friend this week. Here how inane it is in my state.

Back in April 2020, my dialysis center stopped allowing us sit in the waiting room at 5AM in the morning. Instead, they make us sit in our cars or in the nursing home transport buses until they are ready to open. Since we have to be there 20 minutes before our scheduled time and they often open late, we are sitting there between 30 to 45 minutes. Some run their car engines to stay warm, many who are on fixed incomes cannot afford to run their engines and sit there in the dark, frigid cold. Two people walk to the facility and they just stand there in 20 degree F temperature and 30 mph mountain winds. Some have taken to sitting in each other’s cars despite the obvious risks. None of the patients have yet been given the vaccine.

And as the elderly, handicapped, and feebly ill folks sit there in the cold, the healthcare providers are in the warm building. These 20 and 30 something healthcare providers, who have a better chance of seeing Big Foot than dying from COVID, have all been vaccinated. A vaccinated healthcare provider can easily still spread viruses among the patients, being vaccinated does not reduce this risk. My state is clueless.

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"Current Score... Don 1 - Cancer 0"

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Collector, Moderator
14 Jan 2021
re: COVID-19 Vaccine


Are you in the high priority group but just have not received it? Maybe another county may be better.

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"Stamp Collecting is a many splendored thing"
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Dialysis, damned if you do...dead if you don't
14 Jan 2021
re: COVID-19 Vaccine

Hi AL,
Like you (we both live in NC), the 1a phase vaccines all went to the first responders and healthcare workers; this has been completed in my county. Today they are moving to the 1b phase group, those 75 and older but they currently only have 1000 doses. Our country population of 75+ is 14,200, the demand is so large that the county phone help line crashed yesterday. I am 62 with comorbidities so I do not meet the 1b phase group criteria (nor would I want to get in line in front of the 75+ folks). My county is mostly retired folks, this is why we have such an issue here.

My heartburn is that this state is more concerned with ‘racial equity’ and the problem with that is that the demographics in the state for those over 75 is predominately white. If they made those who are actually dying with COVID (those over 75) the highest priority then they could be accused of favoring white folks. So they put healthcare workers first as a way to ‘promoting equity’ (this is actually a CDC recommendation). On the NC state COVID website they tout their ‘equity’ plan which is ‘let the old folks die, as long as we appear to be politically correct’. For me the sad part is that 6 of my 7 friends who have died with COVID were non-white.

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"Current Score... Don 1 - Cancer 0"

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14 Jan 2021
re: COVID-19 Vaccine

As a healthcare provider, I am frustrated and saddened by the whole COVID ordeal. In this day and age, the world as a whole should have acted more rationally and quickly to prevent it from becoming such a huge mess.

I was torn between getting the vaccine and waiting. I had initial concerns over how rushed the approval and production process seemd but after some research, I decided to go ahead. I know I am relatively young and healthy and as Don says "have a better chance of seing Big Foot than dying of COVID ".


1. Healthcare providers are in short supply and rapidly burning out. If I get sick, I cannot go to work. Who will cover my position? Sick nurses, doctors, pharmacists, etc - it's a real problem with a huge trickle down effect. The vaccine isn't to keep me from dying - it's to help lessen the chance I will become sick. And if I do get it, it should be less severe so I am out for less time. We are dealing the fallout from sick co-workers daily.

2. If the dialysis staff get sick, who will provide the dialysis sessions? If they can even get replacement staff, they would be lucky. Missing or delaying a dialysis session is not really an optiion. Traveling farther to get dialysis would also be a hardship I would think.

This whole situation is horrible and it isn't going to end soon. Everryone who has the opportunity to get vaccinated should do so as soon as possible.

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Dialysis, damned if you do...dead if you don't
14 Jan 2021
re: COVID-19 Vaccine

Hi Sally,
Understood. Of course employees needing sick/leave days is the same for any business, the healthcare industry is no different in that way. And everyone who enters the healthcare business understands that the possibility of contacting an illness from those who you care for is part of the job.

As a person who has had 1200 medical procedures in the last 6 years, I have gotten to know the medical industry pretty well. I literally spend more time per week with healthcare workers than I do my own family. I find that healthcare workers are like every other segment of society; they are some true angels, a few criminals and bad people, and many folks who are simply working a job (including a LOT of burnouts). Most of the nurses and doctors that I have talked to are horrified and embarrassed that they have gotten the COVID vaccine while their patients have not.

And when speaking of dialysis healthcare workers keep in mind that techs are paid $10.50 an hour, typically have no formal medical education, and they are allowed to push Heparin. In 2020, my dialysis center had a 94% turnover rate. Nurses do not actually do any nursing, they are not given the time nor the other resources to do their jobs (15:1 patient to nurse ratio). I bring my own stethoscope, I bring my own thermometer, I bring my own Tegaderms. All the way through August the dialysis company was making the nurses and techs reuse their masks each day. Only in the last month have they finally been able to get the PPE gowns, they have been reusing them too.

But I ‘tip’ various dialysis healthcare providers at least $1000 per year ($50 cash each throughout the year) because I feel so badly about how little they get paid and how awful the job is; the company specifically prohibits ‘tipping’ so we have to do it all under the table. And to their credit the dialysis company allows me to speak to the staff each month outside the company; I teach them about fall prevention and what it is like to be a dialysis patient. They have also covered my costs to send me to a number of other dialysis center to speak to their staffs.

At my facility, when dialysis staff gets sick they typically come to work anyway and spread whatever they have to the patients (not now with COVID of course). This is because they are paid so poorly they cannot afford to miss any days. I have actually offered to pay for their missed days if they would stay home. This is clearly the fault of the $11 billion dollar company but they look the other way. Is it any wonder that we sometimes hear, “Come in, sit down, and shut up” from the healthcare workers? On Monday I caught a mistake when they tried to administer the wrong (type and dosage) IV meds to me. Yesterday I caught a mistake when they tried to stick me with the wrong sized needles.

But is it any wonder why COVID spread through the dialysis centers like wildfire? At my facility over 50% of the staff got COVID (tested only after they got sick) but there was no staff deaths or hospitalization. We now have had 11 patient deaths and over 58 hospitalizations. But to this day the dialysis center is still not proactively testing and are totally in reactionary mode; it is only when a staffer or patient gets ill before they move into action. They also have no involvement with COVID vaccine distribution. These folks see the same patients every other day, give other type vaccinations regularly, and are already intimate with our medical histories. But in my state the dialysis centers are totally out of the loop while sitting squarely in the middle of COVID ground zero.

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"Current Score... Don 1 - Cancer 0"

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14 Jan 2021

Auctions - Approvals
re: COVID-19 Vaccine

Since you asked. I received my 1st Covid-19 vaccine at 2:00 PM on Mon - at the VA. Woke up at 2 AM "freezing" and in a sweet. Soreness at injection site. Tues. temperature was 100.8, upset stomach, and NO appetite. Gail was concerned enough that she phoned the number provided - 64 people ahead of her. Wed. better. Thurs. fine

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